To breaking your fall on expensive gear and happy endings!

It’s every photographer’s worst nightmare (well apart from that one where you miss the shot of a lifetime): Dropping your gear. Ice and cameras don’t mix very well but in pursuit of that ever elusive perfect shot we push ourselves to extraordinary lengths, into harms way if needs be to satisfy our craft. In my case, I pushed myself to get up at the crack of well, midday, out into the frosty January afternoon to get some pictures of the snow....

March 1, 2011 · 3 min · 484 words · leonroy
Goodbye D200, Hello D700

D200 it was good knowing you!

Back in 2003 I was fortunate enough to have a Canon 300D at my disposal. Besides my first real camera; a Nikon F-401 (a generous present which I was only able to use sporadically due to the cost of film and processing), the new Canon 300D was a mind blowing experience for me. Not only did it offer a price far, far below any other SLR out at the time, it also offered 6-megapixels, great image quality and a chunky plastic body making it comfortable to use for those who fumble with the tiny buttons compact cameras bristle with....

May 10, 2009 · 3 min · 459 words · leonroy